The Unforgettable Touchdown

Man, can you believe it's been three decades since that massive dude from the Chicago Bears, big ol' William ""The Fridge"" Perry, stomped his way into the end zone during Super Bowl XX and turned the betting world upside down? Crazy, right?

So there we were, the Bears just dominating those New England Patriots, when out of nowhere, ""The Fridge""—this absolute unit of a defensive tackle weighing in at a whopping 325 pounds—steps onto the field, not for defense, but for a play that'd make history page.

Cut to the third quarter, and the Bears are knocking on the door. Everyone's thinking, ""Nah, they won't actually give it to 'The Fridge,' right?"" But bam, the quarterback Jim McMahon hands off the ball to Perry. The crowd goes wild as he barrels through defenders like a runaway freight train and scores a touchdown that went down in the books How to NBA Betting Bankroll Management.

I still remember NBC's Dick Enberg joking about earthquakes, ""That one registered 3.8!"" he yelled, and we all cracked up. But let me tell you, it wasn't just the fans in the stands and at home getting a kick out of it. There were these super smart (or maybe just super lucky) folks who had actually thrown down some cash betting that Perry would score.

Get this: David McIntire laid it all out in an SBNation piece back in 2013. Some of these gamblers saw the future or something, because they put money down when the odds were bananas igamingbusiness, like 75 to 1! Imagine putting down a tenner and walking away with 750 bucks just because you guessed ""The Fridge"" would find the end zone. Once the media got wind of it, the odds plummeted, but man, what a rush!

And that's how the modern ""prop bet,"" or proposition bet, really took off. People started throwing money at the weirdest outcomes, like some kind of side hustle to the main game cbsnews.

Sonny Reizner, this absolute legend of a Vegas bookie, he's the brain behind it all. Dude tried to get action on who shot J.R. from that show ""Dallas"" in the '80s. It didn't pan out, but everyone remembered him for it, especially when he passed in 2002. Then came Perry's touchdown, and like, boom—suddenly you could bet on anything.

And here we are, on the brink of Super Bowl 50, and the betting scene's gearing up for another wild ride. Jay Rood from MGM Resorts is like, ""The props always draw good action,"" and he's not lying They've got bets cooking for every quirky thing you can imagine, from how long the national anthem's gonna last to the color of the Gatorade shower for the winning coach nytimes.

You've got folks wondering how many times Peyton Manning's gonna holler ""Omaha"" and, of course, the 50-50 shot of the coin toss—will it be heads or tails? Last year's flip went tails, evening out the historical record Top 9 Sports Betting Blogs to Follow Today, so who knows this time around? Flip a coin, take a guess, and enjoy the game.


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