To ensure you pass the jn0-104 practice test on your first attempt, it’s essential to focus on jn0-104 practice test the core topics that are covered in the exam. Let’s break down the key areas that you need to study:
Networking Fundamentals
Understanding networking fundamentals is critical to passing the JN0-104 exam. Key concepts include:
• IP Addressing: Learn how to assign and calculate IP addresses, including IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You should also understand subnetting and CIDR notation.
• Routing and Switching: Study the basics of routing and switching protocols, such as RIP, OSPF, and BGP. You should also understand the different types of switching techniques used in networking.
• Network Topologies: Exam Dumps Learn the different types of network topologies, such as bus, star, ring, and mesh, and how they affect network performance.
• OSI Model: Understand the seven layers of the OSI model and how each layer contributes to network communication. Be able to identify common protocols associated with each layer.
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