This week’s giveaway celebrating 30 years of "The Beekeeper’s Apprentice" is art: ten frameable 8½ x 11” mini-posters related to the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes series, created by Laurie R. King and friends:
Bees Under Glass (The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by Jean Lukens)
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice (The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by Jean Lukens)
A Venomous Death (flash fiction)
Pirate King movie poster (Pirate King)
The Major-Criminal’s Song (from Gilbert & Sullivan, Pirate King)
The Parrot King (flash fiction, Pirate King)
Map of Morocco (Garment of Shadows)
Map of Japan (Dreaming Spies)
Haiku (Dreaming Spies)
Birth of a Green Man (flash fiction, God of the Hive)
A random drawing, closes Dec 1, winner can be anywhere in the world, must be a follower of Laurie R King's Facebook author page.
NOTE: Winners are notified by email, so check your spam/junk filters on Monday—we only send out two notices before going on to the next person in line!