Contest details
Our hearts go out to all the moms who are feeling stress and anxiety about giving birth during this time. Know that we are thinking of you, know that you were meant for this, know that we are here to support you the best way we can.
Each “Support & Empower” care package includes 5 gifts (retail value $200) to help moms transition to motherhood. Moms will also receive 4 hours of professional virtual support on giving birth, breastfeeding and baby sleep, all with a focus on COVID-19.
Mamas, we love you, we’re thinking of you and we want you to feel empowered!
Sending You Love & Strength,
Teat&Cosset, The Dairy Fairy, KoraOrganics, Ardo, BebeAuLait, Coterie, LoveMajka, Birth Smarter, Baby Smarter, The San Diego Breastfeeding Center, Bumble Baby.
For a BONUS entry (and to support the generous brands who are donating) please follow all the participating brands: @teatandcosset, @koraorganics, @the_dairyfairy, @bebeaulait, @lovemajka, @ardobreastpump, @coterie, @babycaravan, @birthsmarter,, @san_diego_breastfeeding_center,
Winners must have a mailing address in the continental USA.
Winner: 50
Category: Fashion & Apparel
Entry Frequency: one-time
Facebook required: no
Twitter required: no