One winner will receive the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!...
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– A copy of Erica Vetsch’s The Lost Lieutenant and The Gentleman Spy – A library card tote bag –...
Choose your favorite title from our Lessons Learned website and it’s yours for free! Let us know your selection...
One grand prize winner will receive an Israel-themed basket: 6 copies of my book/Bible study A People Chosen, the movie...
Win signed paperback copies of Ghost of a Girl and The Good Shadows by Carol Alwood
One grand prize winner will receive a 6 Month Kindle Unlimited subscription.
The winner will receive an e-book copy of Brentwood’s Ward (#1), The Innkeeper’s Daughter (#2), and The Noble Guardian (#3)....
One grand prize winner will receive a paperback copy of the book and a Pony Express book cozy.
One winner will receive a 6 month subscription to Kindle Unlimited
Η Μαρία βλέπει την αισιόδοξη πλευρά των πραγμάτων αλλά δυσκολεύεται να προσαρμοστεί σε οποιαδήποτε δουλειά λόγω του αυθόρμητου χαρακτήρα της....